Understanding the Concept of Technology

Technology has become a part of our everyday life, and many people don’t realise how it works. This article takes a closer look at the concept of technology to help readers understand it better.

Technology is the application of knowledge to organized tasks involving people and machines to meet sustainable goals. It includes both tangible tools like utensils or machinery and intangible tools such as software, which helps us work more efficiently and effectively.

The word technology is so often used in conjunction with science that many people think of the two as synonymous. Others equate it with gadgetry or a broad category of tools that make the modern world different from the past.

It’s important to recognise that technology has both positive and negative effects on society and the environment. Understanding how technology affects our lives is vital, not only for those who research and develop new technologies but also for everyone who uses them in their personal or professional lives.

A number of different technologies exist in our daily lives, from the simple telephone and TV to complex computer systems and industrial robots. Some of the most transformative technology in recent years is artificial intelligence, which has blown past what we thought were human limits — think about Deep Mind’s Alpha Zero beating Lee Sedol in Go or an AI-produced image winning an art contest. It’s also transforming the medical industry with automated diagnostics and drug discovery.

Another example of a powerful technology is the internet, which connects people worldwide and enables them to communicate, shop and access information at any time of day. But the internet can be exploited by hackers to steal data or commit other malicious acts that could cause financial loss and reputation damage.

Another significant benefit of technology is the way it’s used in education to engage students and make learning fun. Technology helps teachers keep their students’ attention by presenting lessons in an interesting way through tablets, laptops, VR/AR devices and touchscreen boards. This makes classes more exciting and interesting for students, which translates into higher academic marks. Technology also enables parents to track their kids’ progress and provide extra assistance to students with special needs, such as attention deficit disorder.